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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

All university students should be required to take at least one course about culture of a foreign country.


这道题非常经典,同学们可以多练习,因为这种题就是托福几乎每年都会考一道的加课题,即学校是否要给所有学生加一门必修课,曾考过加public speaking, history, study skills, science等课程。

这类题因为题目中有all, required这些绝对词,所以解题思路都比较一致,就是反驳即可,承认这类课有益,但是并非所有学生都需要,或者说并非要设定为必修课强制学习等。


举个例子,如果是说是否要加一门public speaking课,有很多同学同意,就只写到了public speaking skills对于学生有多少好处,但最终没有回扣到学校添加这门必修课的必要性,这样其实还是会算作扣题不紧。



1. 诚然,开设外国文化课是有一定好处的。

2. 但是,使其成为必修课会加重学生的负担。

3. 并不是所有学生都会出国或者需要了解外国文化。

3. 外国文化其实可以通过其他途径学习(比如上网、看书、旅游等)

4. 有些学生本身对外国文化很了解,没有必要再去上课。

5. 这种所有学生都必须上的课很容易成为水课,大家上课不认真,学不到东西。


1. 上这类课能帮助学生系统了解外国文化,有助于未来进入社会。

2. 上这类课能帮助学生更了解自己国家的文化。

3. 上这类课能让学生思维更加开阔,看待事物更多元化。


1. 让步段:

Admittedly, 了解外国文化对于大学生来说肯定是有益的。For instance, having a better grasp of foreign cultures allows university students to embrace this globally connected world much easier. //However, this does not necessarily mean university should force every student to sit in a classroom to learn such information. In fact, 这类课程会大大加重学生负担且效果不佳,而且他们其实也可以通过其他更方便高效的方式获取这些知识。

2. First off, a course unrelated to academies like foreign cultures may add abundant pressure to college students. //Nowadays, students routinely sprint through jam-packed daily schedules, tackling big servings of academic work plus giant helpings of extracurricular activity. Therefore, 如果他们被要求必须要再上一门外国文化的课程,他们很容易get exhausted and overwhelmed. //Take myself for example. I majored in Food Science and Engineering when I was in my undergraduate. 还记得第一年,我们的专业必修课程都是很基础但很抽象的science courses like statistics, advanced math, microbiology, advanced physics, etc, which drain out of my most time. 额外有点时间也热衷于参加各种社团或者学生会,每天都很hustle and bustle. 虽然那时学校也设置了一些optional courses, 我本来也报了些但最终都out,因为实在没时间。To sum up, 如果学校make those optional compulsory, 我应该只能经常burn midnight oil.

3. In addition, other countries’ customs and cultures can be acquired through other ways rather than a required course.// For one thing, a variety of internet resources tackling with this topic. This is because现在社交网络发展by leaps and bounds, 海量的youtubers from Africa to America都在分享自己的日常生活、当地习俗节日、or各色当地美食。In other words, just with several clicks, a student could be familiar with any places or cultures that they are interested in from their comfort of dorms. //For another, 他们也可以利用假期时间到自己想要了解的国家旅游或者做志愿者,亲身体会当地文化(first hand)。For example, my best friend Alex has been keen on Japan ever since she was a child. 为了更好了解日本,除了自己平时在网上搜索各种信息,she saved some money and planned carefully for a one-month journey in Osaka. In her summer break of sophomore year, 她在那边住进了local families reserved from Airbnb, chatting with the host about this country’s mysteries over matcha tea during the day, and sleeping in tatami on the floor during the night. In a word, had it not been for the immersion in Osaka, Alex would never have understood this culture so deeply.


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