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2024.4.21 考题分析




Dr. Achebe: Last week, we started talking about decisions that university administrators have to make regarding spending. They often need to decide how to allocate their funds, including renovating existing facilities, offering new amenities, and so on. For example, a university could spend money to upgrade a sports stadium, build a new performing arts center, or do a variety of other things. What is the most important thing university administrators should consider when making decisions regarding spending?

Paul: I believe university administrators should prioritize students' opinions when deciding on spending. After all, students are the main source of the school's income. For instance, if the university wants to upgrade sports facilities but students are more interested in a new library or tech center, it makes sense to let students vote on it.

Claire: University administrators should prioritize projects that can generate future revenue. For example, investing in a state-of-the-art research facility or tech incubator could attract more students and partnerships, leading to increased funding and grants. It's essential to consider not just the immediate benefits but also the long-term financial sustainability for the university.




1. 同学们的意见(Paul回答)

2. 投资回报比(Claire回答)

3. 学校目前的情况

4. 学校的资金情况

5. 家长们的意见

6. 教师们的意见

7. 资金资助人的意见



I agree with Paul’s idea that students’ opinions are the most important. (同意同学观点) In addition to what Paul has already said —that students are essentially paying for their education and should thus have a say in it — I would also add that they are the only ones who can determine which issues are more urgent.(补充论点)  This is because they stay on campus longer than anyone else, making them the best candidates to report which facilities needed the most upgrades. (给出解释) For instancethere was a lengthy bridge connecting our residence halls to the academic buildings during my college years. The worst part of the bridge, which spans a vast lake and is over one kilometer long, was that there were no trees or awnings (遮阳蓬)nearby to provide shade or cover. As a result, we would constantly be roasted by the direct summer sun and frozen by the fierce winter winds.  In other words, if we had an opportunity to cast votes, I think the majority of us would vote to have a bus to take us across the bridge. See, such a crucial need might never be identified by school administrators, who hardly ever make the trek from the dorms to the office.(给出例子)


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