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Dr. Achebe: In our upcoming lesson, we will explore the evolution of public health and its impact on the well-being of individuals. Considering the significant progress we've made in healthcare and nutrition, as well as the ongoing challenges such as sedentary lifestyles and stress, I'd like you to reflect on the following question: Do you believe that people are generally healthier now than they were in the past? Why or why not?

Paul: I believe that people are generally healthier today than they were in the past, and the advancements in medical care play a significant role in longer life expectancy. With the development of new drugs and treatments, we're able to combat illnesses that were once fatal, such as various forms of cancer and heart diseases.

Claire: While it's true that we've made incredible strides in healthcare and nutrition,  the lifestyle-related health issues we face today were less common in the past. It's not just about medical advancements; it's about how we live our lives day to day. The quality of life is being compromised by our poor eating and exercise habits.



1. 科技的发展:现在各类食物保鲜技术提升,所以能吃到更健康的食物。

2. 经济情况好转:好的经济水平让人们能选择更营养的食物。而以前都有啥吃啥,甚至饿肚子。人们也可以选择健身房锻炼,更科学地保持健康。

3. 受教育程度更高:现在人们更懂营养搭配。以前可能就是一味地多吃肉。现在更重视健康,所以更会过一个健康的生活方式。(比如健身、补充保健品、好的睡眠等等)

4. 政府的福利:政府更鼓励大家锻炼,小区里都有各种公共健身器械等等。体检费用有补贴,大家更注重检查身体,保持健康。


1. 现代人普遍压力更大,心理健康难以维持。

2. 环境的污染:水资源、土壤、空气等被污染,大家吃的东西都没以前好。

3. 科技的发展:黑心商户利用科技做了很多低劣制品,影响健康。E.g. 地沟油等。

4. 现代人没时间好好吃饭,吃快餐外卖太多。也没时间锻炼。

5. 现代人天天面对电脑,眼睛健康堪忧。 



I agree with Paul’s idea that modern people are generally healthier than those in the past. (同意同学观点)Apart from the influence of improved medical care, which Paul just mentioned, I would say that education has also driven this trend.(给出论点)Over the past few decades, the population of people with a bachelor’s degree or above has increased sharply. In other words, they are more aware of the value of a robust body and know how to peak fitness.(解释展开) Take my friend Alex, for example. He worked as a data analyst after graduating from college. During that time, he was swamped with numerous daily responsibilities, such as establishing and updating dashboards on a daily basis, extracting and cleaning data for hours, or polishing presentations for meetings. All of these drained him, leading to a temptation to just rest and play phones after work. Yet he still spared time to go to gym and kept a habit of jotting down ideas to brain dump feelings and thoughts before sleep, since he knew these were more important. See, thanks to education, young people, including Alex, are trying hard to stay in good shape.(例子展开)


drive the trend

peak fitness

be swamped with


jot down ideas

stay in good shape


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